Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The BIG ultrasound

So, I had the big scan today and everything is looking great! The baby is actually measuring 10 days ahead of schedule. The doctor did say that because of my appendectomy I am at an increased risk for pre-term labor, so he told me how to recognize it and if I even have a questionable ache, to come in. So, I'd appreciate prayer for a full term baby.

Here are some pictures. He was an active little guy so we didn't get the greatest pictures but they're still cute.

This one looks like he's posing and blowing bubbles!

A full body shot

A 3D picture - you can mostly just see his leg and arm

and a nice leg shot!


Ben and Kristi Graves said...

awww! sweet little baby. definitely we'll be praying that you have a full-term labor, marcie! =) love you!

Reagan said...

That must be so fun to see pictures of him! You should post a pic of your belly again!

Jessie said...

He looks great! Very exciting.

Charity said...

so glad that everything's going well! we'll be praying for a healthy, full-term baby!