Tuesday, September 11, 2007

1st Appointment with Perinatologist

Today I met my perinatologist. Dr. Fumia - interesting name. He was so nice, he just spent like 45 min just talking to us about everything. He talked to us about what to expect as far as my injections and upcoming ultrasounds. I had an ultrasound but he couldn't really see anything since I'm only 4w5d. He said he did see the gestational sac though so that's good. I just want to fast forward to 28 weeks or so, even 13 would be great! It's just the unsurity of what is going to happen with this pregnancy. I am just trying to enjoy each day. I have known for over a week now that I've been pregnant so I'm thankful for that! My next appt with him is in 6 weeks but I will see my regular OB before that (Sept. 24) so I'm hoping we can see the heart beat by then! Now, it is just the waiting game..

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