Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Poking Begins!

Well, because of my blood clotting disorders (Factor V Leiden & MTHFR) that they found after we lost our son, I will be sticking myself with Lovenox (Heparin) once a day. It is basically a blood thinner and should prevent clotting during this pregnancy. It took me a second to stick that inch long needle in my stomach, but once I got myself to do it that was not the bad part at all. It was when I pushed the medicine in that it BURNED! I was not expecting that. Oh well, it is soo worth it! And a blessing is that my insurance covers the Lovenox, if it didn't I would have to give myself the generic Heparin injections 2x a day and it steals more calcium from your bones - so I am very thankful.

I still haven't been able to get into a specialist. I got a call from who my specialist was going to be and they said she is out of network (they just didn't renew their contract with my insurance recently). So, the wait continues. I know I just need to be patient and know that the Lord is just wanting me to TRUST Him, He will work it all out according to His will. Well, that is all for today so far

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